I went in at 2, and walked out of the office at 3:30!
They gave me some laughing gas before the IV and told me in about 20 minutes I'd get the anesthesia... after about 3 minutes on the gas I was completely out and didn't come to till I was sitting in the car.
I was completely numb from ear to ear until about 4 am this morning! So luckily the pain was nothing yesterday.
David was sooo sweet. He doted and cared for me all day long. Plus--He brought me some stellar presents! Pictures anyone? ...

First he brought me a whole bunch of posters and a HUGE box of crayons! The picture on top is what we drew yesterday. We played the you draw a part, I draw a part game. It was a blast!

He also got me MY FAVORITE BOOK IN THE WORLD! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!! And now have two copies, cause I lend it out all the time! If you haven't read it yet, let me know! I'll get you one of my copies. It's a MUST read! (I rarely read, so for me to actually love a book this much is kinda a big deal)
David took fantastic care of me! My other official care taker? MOM! I love my mom so much! She has always taken the best care to raise me! haha I was getting sick of the ice packs, but my face was swelling up pretty badly this morning, so here's what I get to look like for pretty much the rest of the day:

Yes, this is an ice pack wrapped in a towel (so it's not too cold on my skin), wrapped around my head is an Ace bandage so I'll keep the ice on! Haha! Oh, and in my mouth is plenty of gauze to stop bleeding. Its kinda painful, but I'm glad to have a few days worth of pain and get rid of the constant jaw pain and headaches I was having everyday for the last few months!
All in all I'm happy they're out! Thanks David and Mom for making it a relaxing and enjoyable!
You are a trooper!