Saturday, April 24, 2010

I finally did it!

After years of preparing I pushed myself to my brink and I finally did it. I can now say I have the accomplishment of the Sensuous Sandwich Challenge under my belt. That's 24 inches of bread, meat, and cheese and I did it in 23 minutes.

Oh, and I finished my Bachelor's Degree.

I'm so relieved to have that off of my back now. I keep thinking I have something to work on but I can't think of anything. Here is a list of what I will be doing with my free time:

1. Learn a language or two: Buenos Dias, NeHowMah, Sup

2. Read books all the time. My book shelf is full of books I've been ready to read, but never had the time.

3. Get Netflix. I'm a big boy now!

4. Go Camping at every opportunity. Anyone interested? (not you Sydney, not til after June)

5. Take the GMAT... Someday

Sydney was so amazing to me today. She convinced me we were having a dinner just the two of us in Heber, but somehow got me to drive to La Dolce Vita in Provo where my family and friends were waiting to surprise me. Thank you everyone for coming, it meant so much. I love each and everyone of you, Yes you Ryan, Sydney's cousin I met just today.

But mostly, I love Sydney. She coordinated this with everyone, got me a beautiful watch, and she's so dang beautiful to boot. She's so wonderful and I am the luckiest man on earth to have her all to myself. Thank you Syd, you're the best.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lady Sydney

Sydney's favorite, Lady Antebellum, just showed up TV so guess what we're watching?

Sitting in a couch fort, watching the plum blossoms outside as the sunsets, and having Sydney under my arm was a perfect moment.

Thought I'd just share it with everyone.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I've been meaning to post this for a week... ok two...

We totally went to MUSE! And yes, it was AMAZING! Here's a picture tour of the trip:

On the way up we hit some traffic... So while sitting in traffic we took a picture.
This is how excited he was!

This is the side of the freeway that we stared at for count them: 80 minutes. 80. Although we did miss SilverSonPickups-- we had a good time chatting and discussing this complex:

We figured out exactly where the best apartment is in the whole complex.
You can't quite see it in this picture, it's a little farther to the right than this picture shows.

This is a man that was peeing. On the side of the road. While we sat in more traffic. I took a picture of him on here so that we could publicly make fun of him... classy guy.

This is what we saw when we got to our seats. I don't know how we got such amazing seats!
Low enough that we felt right close, high enough we could see over all the gen.adm.

First song! Mind blowingly awesome.

...that close.

Pictures and smooches during the show. :)

We know you're jealous... Maybe you can come with us next time they come around?
The entire night they didn't talk hardly at all, they said thank you a handful of times. The only other thing said was something by the drummer-- it was a little hard to understand but we're pretty sure he said that he loved Utah and had been looking forward to this show since the last time they played in Orem!

I'm pretty sure this was during Feelin' Good
(favorite song of mine personally!)

Right as the show ended we took this. Guess he was sad it was over.
As you can see I couldn't do anything but smile as big as possible.

I love his smile.

One of the first dates David and I ever went on was to the Muse concert 3 years ago. He was supposed to go with his sis (Dani) but she got sick that night. Surprisingly, my parents let me go! I didn't even know the band, we sat in some seats towards the back of the hall and all I could do was stare. Honestly, I probably made him a little upset because I couldn't concentrate on anything but stare at that concert. Good thing I got another chance! :D

We kinda like Muse. A lot.

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fools

This is my desk.

Everything is exactly placed as it was when I left it April 1st, at 10 PM, except for the fact that it was on the other side of the building. Matt Thacker, the Graveyard Team and my dear frienemy Candice Linford orchestrated this little prank. I spent an hour walking back and forth resetting everything as it was and my lunch break plotting my revenge.