Monday, July 13, 2009

What should be our first pet?

We're getting married. If you've made it this far you should already know that. I'm doing this without Sydney's permission because I only have so much freedom left.

I need a vote. What should be our first pet? We have the options of:





Take your pick. Welcome to the new blog everyone!


  1. Oh, I couldn't pick just one pet! They were all so much fun to play with!! Bryan and I spent a good little while just feeding them and getting them to do things, you should just have these as your pets! You know you won't kill them!! :)

  2. Syd says that the only hampster I can have is a virtual one...

  3. From experience, I say fish. Very calming.


  4. No Hamster, we just killed ours (accidentally of course) I say turtles!

  5. i dont think you should get a hamster cause my friend had one and it developed a tumor and then ate the tumor. i had fisha and they are not as fun as they seem and they smell so bad!!!! i guess the frog is ok but i think they jump too much... and i have seen a lot of movies with turtles and they always seem to die. my vote is to add a chimp as an option and then not choose that either because they go crazy on human flesh. they would just be cute to feed cause they would hang from their tail to eat the banana. food for thought, dont go grocery cart racing in an inflatable suit = bad results... =] happy joining of two lives! well i guess 3 lives if you add the pet!!!

    love scar =]

  6. Thanks scar, except for that whole tumor thing. That kind of grossed me out.

  7. Thanks to the tumor talk, hamsters are forever dead to me...GET A FISH!
